Our Mission

“Seek knowledge from the cradle to Grave”

We are commited to providing quality education with a positive emphasis on Character formation, co-operation promote Islamic practise in students, Community as a whole and quest for showering knowledge in excellence. It prepares them intellectually and emotionally to excel and teaches them to face challanges and responsiblities of life.

It also prpare a child for an ultimate success in the hereafter.

From the Principal’s Desk

My Dear Students and Parents

I am very happy to welcome you all to the new academic year. We are getting ready for another successful academic session. Our school motto is “In Showering of Knowledge in Excellence” In order to achieve this we at school build upon the foundation you have established at home. This should be based on trust, security, faith and good habits of learning etc. our School is a vibrant learning community where students, parents and staff play vital roles to guide the children towards success in this world and the hereafter.

Education is undergoing drastic changes due to the influence of globalization, information Technology and modern means of communication. The world is gradually being reduced to a village and competition is becoming global. It is now recognized that the future of the countries lies in their ability to compete in the global market on the basis of knowledge, skills and intellectual capacity. The Future of children is to be shaped to bring them up as global citizens.

Our efforts in the school is towards the direction. All infrastructural facilities needed for this are available in our school. Try to develop good study habits “learning positive thinking, good confidence and sharpen your skills. Try to become involved in classroom in classroom learning and in the extracurricular activities outside the classroom.

Mutual respect is important for success in life. Respect yourself, your parents your teachers, your friends and everyone around you. Your manners matter the most. Ensure proper conduct and behavior. Try to be regular and punctual in class as attendance has a direct link with academic success.

Work hard to build a good foundation form the school for your future success and strive for perfection in whatever you do. Seek help and guidance from your teachers and parents and make yourself a better person confident enough to face the challenges of the modern world.

My best wishes for a fruitful academic year. May you do well and achieve the best. In Sha Allah.

Affectionately Yours,